Home Fellowship Bible Study
Freedom From Fear
Read Psalm 91
Icebreaker: Share something about yourself that is generally known e.g. your name and occupation, and also something that is not generally known.
vs. 3-6
List five things contained in these verses that we should not fear:
Do you think this promise “Thou shalt not be afraid” applies to modern dangers? What should be our mental attitude toward threats from any of the following?:
Deadly Virus, drive-by shootings, gangs, demonic activity, disasters, economic collapse, mob violence
vs 11 Angels are?
___ Real beings
___ Figurative beings
___ Symbols for God’s protection
___ Don’t know
See Psalm 148: 1-5; Hebrews 1:14; Revelation 12:7-9
Share experiences of angel or miracle deliverance or protection
vs. 9 & 14
List three things we must do in order to experience God’s security:
How does a person “dwell in the secret place of the Most High”, “make the Lord his/her habitation”, “set ones love upon God”, and “know His name”?
Home Fellowship Bible Study
How to Experience Fullness of Joy
Icebreaker: When you grew up, what do you remember about the way your home was heated?
Read John 15
Abiding in Christ is the secret for security and for joy. It is the solution to family and relationship problems. It gives meaning to life and puts the joy back in living.
vs. 3 How does a person become spiritually clean?
_______________________________________________________________________Discussion: How does this cleansing take place? See John 13 especially vs. 10
vs 9 To what extent do you think you comprehend God’s love for His Son?
___ Perfectly ___ Quite well
___ Partially ___ Very little
Talk about a perfect father’s love for a perfect son. What is it like? What does it mean to you for Jesus to have this kind of love for you?
vs. 10 We abide in His love as we keep His commandments. In your opinion do these commandments include:
___ the Ten Commandments
___ the sayings of Jesus only
___ every command in the Bible
See Mark 7:8,9; 10:19
Do we keep God’s commandments in order to abide in Jesus or do we abide in Jesus in order to keep His commandments? Vs 4&5
How does a person abide in Jesus? Verses 7, 10 See Col. 2:6
What can the Christian expect from worldly associates and former non-Christian friends? Verses 19-23
vs. 15 Do you believe you are a friend of Jesus?
___ yes ___ no ___ don’t know
Personal note:
I would like to experience more joy in my life by:
___ abiding in the love of Jesus vs. 10
___ keeping His commandments vs. 10
___ letting His words abide in me vs. 7
___ prayer vs.7
Home Fellowship Bible Study
Have You Claimed Your Inheritance?
ICE BREAKER: Share something about your earliest memories.
Read Ephesians 1 & 2
vs. 1-11 of chapter 1
Which of the following have the most meaning to you personally? Why?
– Grace and peace from God 1:2
– Chosen to be without blame 1:4
– Accepted in the Beloved 1:6
– We have redemption 1:7
– We have forgiveness of sins 1:7
– We have obtained an inheritance 1:11
1:13 What did the Ephesian believers do in order to obtain the things mentioned above?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 2 verses 2 & 3 According to what course and power did these Ephesians walk before they trusted and believed in Jesus? _______________________________________________________________________
2:1 What happened to those who believed in Jesus? _____________________________
(KJV “Quickened” means to make alive.)
How does this work in a practical sense? Share your testimony of how Jesus makes you alive.
2:8-10 How is the sinner saved? _______________________________________________________________________
Note: Grace means unmerited favor.
2:12 What relationship exists between the promises of God and those who are without Christ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2:13 How were those who were far from God made close (KJV “nigh”)?
What does the blood of Jesus mean to you? How can His blood bring you close to God? (Read the following and discuss. Does this help to explain?)
Note: Suppose a 30-year-old son should become angry with his father over some trifle and hit his father in the face. The father could retaliate and get even, but instead the father simply lets the blood flow. The father pays with his own blood but the son is treated as though he had done nothing to the father. The son is treated as though his record was clean. This is how we are cleansed by the blood of Christ. See 1 John 1:7, Matthew 26:28. Sin is anything that hurts any other creature or God the Creator. All sin wounds God to the core because it is so far short of His loving desire for everyone to be blessed and happy. All have sinned (Romans 3:23). When Jesus died on the cross He bled for our sin against God and man (John 20:28,29). (Jesus was God and a perfect man.) He accepted our hostility against Himself (Hebrews 12:3) and let it crush out His life rather than retaliate against us.
The concept of finding oneness with God through the blood of Jesus:
___ is new to me
___ is clear to me
___ is something I desire to understand
___ is something I claim by faith
___ is difficult to understand
Read chapter 2: 1-3
What hope do these verses offer to people who struggle with lusts of the flesh and lusts of the mind; who may feel overwhelmed by the enemy?
Note: read chapter 1 vs. 17 -20 again. Pray this prayer for yourself.
It all sounds too good to be true; God’s security, joy, all through union with God by way of the blood of the cross. This we have as a free gift. But why then do so many not experience these things? The next Bible reading will explain how to experience a new birth.
There are other questions that face the Christian: How can we cope with the complexities of life? How can we deal with suffering? Will the world end through disaster? How can we strengthen and protect our families? What can we expect in the future? These questions will be answered from the Bible in future readings. Some of these passages from the Bible will read like today’s newspaper.
No. 3 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
A New Life in Christ
ICE BREAKER: Share something funny or embarrassing that happened to you as a child.
Read John 3
vs. 14 Who must be lifted up and believed in, in order for anyone to be born again? ___________________________________________________________________
This verse is given by Jesus in answer to the question of Nicodemus: “How can a man be born when he is old?” “How can these things be?”
Read Numbers 21:1-9 This is the experience that Jesus uses to explain the way a person receives a new birth. The person bitten by the deadly serpent cannot save himself/ herself. This person can only put faith into action by looking to Jesus for salvation.
Numbers 21:9 What did the people do in order to live?________________________
How do these verses illustrate our struggle with sin? How do they explain our part in the battle with sin?
There was no magic in the bronze snake set up by Moses. It was a symbol of Christ on the cross. This may seem like a strange symbol for Christ. But Jesus became sin for us. That is to say he suffered the death of the sinner. What we see there is what we are and what we deserve. (We cannot see the ugliness of sin until we see what sin does to the innocent Son of God, and to innocent people who suffer.) The cross helps us to wish we would not sin even though we may feel like it. This is the beginning of repentance. God will give us a Godly sorrow for sin (Acts 5:31).
Romans 3:23 How many have sinned? ______________________________________
What is sin? 1 John 3:4 __________________________________________________
Every one of us has been bitten by the deadly serpent of sin. When we believe that Jesus died in our place it brings about a change in our heart. We may not feel it but if we accept verses 15 – 18 by faith, He supplies the fact and we are made whole.
Read John 3:15-18
Why do you suppose these verses are so popular with believers? Which verse means the most to you? Why?
Many fail to receive the new heart because they look within themselves for some evidence. Feelings of joy and peace will come if we believe, but feelings do not come by trying to produce them. Our part is to take God at His word, believe His promise, and go our way believing that we have received.
Mark 11:24 What should we believe about things we have asked in prayer (for example, salvation)?
John 3:5 A person is born into the new life through water (baptism) and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is a specific tangible expression of cleansing from sin. It is a significant intimate application of God’s promise to cleanse us. The word “baptize” means to dip or immerse. The Bible method of baptism is total submersion in water (Acts 8:38; Matt. 3:16; Acts 2:38). This represents total cleansing.
Those who have been baptized: What does it mean to you that we are born of the water? Does something happen inside us at baptism or is it simply a ceremony?
Ezekiel 11:19,20 When we believe in Jesus he takes out what? __________________
What does He put in its place? __________________________________
Ezekiel 11:20 What does this heart transplant enable the believer to do?
Right here is where many fail. They think that they cannot accept Christ because they cannot live up to all His commandments. We must remember that if we could simply practice religion we would not need a Savior. For example if we need a heart transplant, we cannot reach in and pull out the old one and replace it with a new one. Our part is simply to trust ourselves into the hands of the surgeon. This is surrender. Our part is to be willing for Him to give us the new heart and to place His laws of love in our lives as principles to be lived out through the power of the Holy Spirit. But we must remember that the New Birth always comes about by believing, not by attempting to give birth to ourselves.
How would you explain, to a seeker, what it is like to experience this spiritual heart surgery?
1 John 3:9 What does the person who is born of God not do? _____________________
Why? _________________________________________________________________
Note: The text says that the person born of God does not sin. This means that the person born of God does not practice sin. It does not mean that a person will never sin after being born again.
1 John 2:1,2 What provision is given if a person does sin after accepting Christ? _______________________________________________________________________
Note: an advocate is one who argues in our behalf, a propitiation is a payment.
Which must we do first: experience the new birth or stop sinning?
The devil will try to make us think that we are born again only if and when we stop sinning. This is backwards. We stop practicing sin when we are born again. Our focus is upon faith in Christ and belief in Him as the sin bearer. If we do fall into sin after believing, we place those sins upon Him as well. His goodness leads us to repentance, and He gives us a new heart. We start each day with a rebirth through faith in Christ. How does all this actually take place? What is our part? The next chapter tells in simple terms how we can receive Jesus.
No. 4 p. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
Icebreaker: Who is your favorite O. T. Bible character? Why?
How to Receive the Gift of Salvation
Read Romans 5
vs. 3-5 Once we have been justified by faith, what advantages do tribulations bring?
Do we stop having problems when we become Christians?
Note: Psalm 91 says the believer will not be afraid. It does not say the believer will not experience some difficulties.
Romans 5: 7, 8, & 9 Does God justify righteous people or sinners? _______________________________________________________________________
vs. 11 “Atonement” means reconciliation or union. Notice that reconciliation has already happened as far as God is concerned in His relationship to us. Our part is to receive the reconciliation He offers. This union brings joy and fulfillment of God’s promises for security.
Why do you think it is so difficult to accept the reconciliation that Jesus has accomplished for us?
vs. 17 The person that shall “reign in life by one, Jesus Christ” (KJV) receives what? _______________________________________________________________________
Read Romans 10
How does one actually make the transaction that brings salvation?
vs. 8 – 13 Contains the formula whereby we accept Christ as our Sin Bearer.
To believe on Jesus means that we believe that He is God (John 20:28). It means that we believe that He personally bears our sins (Isaiah 53:4-6). It means that He forgives our sins if we confess them (1 John 1:9). It means that we do not want to crucify Him or any person, including ourselves (Acts 5:31).
What do you think might be going on in the life of a person who feels reluctant to pray this prayer?
Read Matthew 13:45, 46
What did the man do when he found the pearl of great price? ________________________________________________________________
Jesus is the Pearl of Great Price.
When we receive Him we receive everything:
– Security -Joy
– Home in heaven -Happiness
– Peace -Meaning
– Inner glow that helps in all relationships
– Freedom from fear -Power over sin
– Eternal life -Love for all
We also are willing to give up everything:
– attempts to save ourselves
– old heart of stone
– anything that would hurt God, others, or ourselves
Who would be willing to share a testimony telling us what is has been like for you to accept Jesus as the Pearl of great price?
Personal note:
My response to Romans 10:8 – 13
___ I would like to call upon the
name of Jesus for salvation.
___ I would like to confess my sins.
___ I would like to lay my sins
on Jesus and be justified.
___ I would like to understand this better.
Read John 1:12: 1 John 5:12-15
When a person receives Christ what does that person know they have received? _______________________________________________________________________
Discussion: What might prevent one from knowing for sure that he/she has received salvation? Ps. 66:18; 1 John 3:20; James 1:6; Mark 9:24; 1 John 5:1-13; Rom. 5:17
When a person has received justification a desire comes into the heart to follow Jesus, to know more about His love, to obey him, to honor and serve Him.
The next chapter begins to focus on life in the modern world. How can one cope with complexities and chaos in a sinful world? What are the signs of the return of Jesus?
No. 5 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
Good News about the Future
Icebreaker: Which one of the disciples do you identify with most?
Read Matthew 24
vs 5 List examples of possible modern day false Christs.
vs 12 Mark the following items that may be modern examples of the fulfillment of the text that says “because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”
___ earthquakes
___ child abuse
___ relationships without commitment
___ famine
___ domestic violence
___ false prophets
___ divorce
___ killing without cause
___ loss of natural affection
___ war
What things have happened recently that point to the time of the end?
vs 24 Miracle working people who call on the name of Christ are: (mark the correct one or ones)
___ always true men/women of God
___ false prophets
___ Could be either true or false Christians
vs 42 Do you desire to be watchful?
___ yes
___ no
___ I would like to know how.
What does it mean to be watchful?
Matt. 26:41; Luke 21:34-36; Ephesians 6:10-18
What are some conditions in society that distract us from watchfulness?
What can we do to be more watchful?
How can we experience peace within when there is so much trouble in the world? Is Heaven a real place? Study guide # 7 will lead to answers in the Bible.
Home Fellowship Bible Study
A Real Heaven of Peace Now and Forever
Icebreaker: If you could live any place in the world where would it be?
Read Matthew 6
Notice that the Christian life focuses on service, prayer, and freedom from worry.
Read vs. 1-5 What do you think might be wrong in the experience of the Christian who wants to be noticed by others for good works? (Col. 3:22-24; Is. 14:12-14)
Do you think it is similar to be defensive about criticism of our works?
vs. 9-13 This prayer is an example of how we should pray. Each portion is food for meditation and prayer.
vs 9 How should we address God? _____________________________________
Note: To hallow means to respect or honor or praise. It means that we express appreciation to God for His goodness and love.
What are some things you appreciate about the Character of God?
vs 10 What words lead us to surrender on a daily basis? ____________________________________________________________________
vs 11,12 What four things does Jesus teach us to ask for? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
vs 20 Where should we lay up treasure?
vs 25 – 31 List the things that Jesus says we should take no thought about: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How does the Christian “take no thought for these things?” Does this mean that Christians will not make provision for the necessities of life? (1 Tim. 5:8; Luke 10:41; see John 6:33,34; 1 Pet. 5:7)
Note: To take no thought means to stop worrying. It means to take no anxious thought. We still need to plan and make effort to provide for these things, but we should trust in God in the process doing our part and expecting God to do His.
Read John 14
vs 1 – 3 What reasons does Jesus give that we should not think troubled thoughts? _______________________________________________________________________
Do you think we have a clear concept of what Heaven will be like? Why or why not? (see 1 Cor. 2:9,10)
vs 15,21 How is love for Jesus expressed in the life of the believer? _______________________________________________________________________
vs 27 What does Jesus leave with us? _______________________________________
How would you describe what it is like to experience the peace that Jesus gives?
(see Mark 5:34; Luke 7:50; Luke 8:48)
Revelation 21:1-4 What will God wipe away?
What things will pass away and be no more?
What questions do you have concerning Heaven and the new Earth? What are some things that you are glad will not be in heaven? What are some things you are looking forward to experiencing in Heaven and the new Earth?
Personal Note;
My response:
__ I believe Heaven and the New Earth are real.
__ I want to enter Heaven and the New Earth.
__ I would like more information about Heaven and the New Earth.
Jesus promises peace. Why are there so many problems? Why suffering? Why such crime, chaos, and heartache? The next Bible reading portion paints a dramatic picture of world conditions and explains why things are in such disarray.
No. 7 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 8
Crime, Chaos & the Covenant
Icebreaker: Share about one of the happiest days of your life.
Read Isaiah 24
vs 1 – 5 also vs 19 – 23 Which of the following may be included in these texts?
___ Crop failure ___ Confusion
___ Disaster ___ Ecological crisis
___ Family problems ___ Blight
___ Crime ___ Fires
___ Fallen justice ___ Earthquakes
___ Volcanoes ___ Strange sights in sky
___ Signs in sun and moon ___ Chaos
Read Revelation 11:18 In this verse a time comes when God will destroy those who do what?_________________________________________________________________
Isaiah 24:5,6 What three things have the inhabitants of the earth done that bring about this condition?
Do you see any relationship between the increase of natural disasters and the moral conduct of leaders and nations? (see Jer. 18:15-17; 2 Chron. 7:14; Jer. 17:24,27)
What blessings have you experienced in your life from not transgressing God’s laws?
Read verses 18,19 What does this tell us about our part and God’s part in the process of repentance?
Read Jeremiah 31:31 – 33
What happened to the first covenant that God made with His people ? _______________________________________________________________________
Note: A covenant is an agreement or contract. In this case it was a marriage contract. This is the union that God seeks with His people. The people of God broke this covenant so God said he would make a new agreement with them.
What are some similarities between a marriage covenant and our relationship with God? (see Jer. 3:14; Mal. 2:11; Ezekiel 16:15, 32, 38)
Jeremiah 31:33 What would God write in the heart of believers in the new covenant?
What is the difference between the law being in our hearts and written on stone?
(see Deut. 5:29; Romans 7:6; 1 John 3:9; 2 Cor. 3:6)
Read Hebrews 8:8-13 Did God find fault with the people or with the covenant ?
What do you think was wrong with the hearts of the people who broke the marriage covenant with God? (see Ezek. 20:16; John 14:15)
Note: This NT verse quotes from Jeremiah 31. If God placed His laws in the heart according to this OT promise, what law would it be?
___ Ten Commandments ___ Don’t know
More discussion:
How does a person go about entering into a marriage covenant relationship with God? (Heb. 9:15; 1 Cor. 11:25; Isaiah 1:18; Jer. 3:14; John 6:37; Rom. 6:3-6; Rom. 7:4)
How do each one of the Ten Commandments relate to a marriage covenant relationship with God? Ezek. 20:16, 30
Wouldn’t this world be a wonderful place if there were no more cursing, lying, stealing, committing adultery, killing? What if everyone would honor father and mother and keep the Holy Sabbath day? How wonderful to know that through the power of the New Birth these principles of love are placed in the heart. Next reading will be “Jesus and the Ten Commandments”.
No. 8 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 9
Back to Basic Morality
Icebreaker: What is the best advice you ever received from anyone?
Read Matthew 5
Read verses 1-12 What promise or promises do you find most encouraging at this point in your life?
vs. 17 What did Jesus say he had not come to do to the law? ______________________
(Note: the law included the Ten Commandments)
vs. 18 As long as heaven and earth would exist, how much would be removed (KJV “pass from”) the law? _____________________________________________________
vs. 21,27 Which two of the Ten Commandments did Jesus mention specifically? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(See Exodus 20)
Note: Jesus extended the Ten Commandments beyond the simple command. He demonstrated their spiritual nature and drew attention to the fact that these commandments related to conditions of the heart. The remainder of the chapter explains the spiritual nature of the law.
Read verses 21-24 What is wrong with anger or name calling? Note: “Raca” means “empty” possibly the same idea as “airhead”. What experiences have you had with reconciliation?
Read verses 27 – 32 What is the difference between lust and appreciation of beauty?
What do you think of verses 29 – 30 as a solution? How would these verses relate to TV or the internet?
Note: verse 28 “whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her” The Greek contains the concept that “whoever continues leering at a woman until lust wells up within”. It does not mean that a Christian will not notice an attractive person of the opposite sex.
Luther said: “you cannot keep the birds from flying overhead, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair.”
Read Matthew 15:1-9
15:3 What question did Jesus ask about the commandments?
15:4 Which one of the Ten Commandments did Jesus quote here ?
See Exodus 20
15:9 What did the religious leaders put in the place of God’s commandments?
Read Matthew 19:17 What did Jesus say one should do if they want to enter into life? _______________________________________________________________________
(note the reference to articles in the Ten Commandments in following verses)
Read Romans 3:31 What does faith not do to the law? __________________________
What does faith do to the law? ______________________________________________
Romans 7:12 What does Paul say about the law? _______________________________
How does a person obey the law of God. What makes it possible? (see 1 Jn. 3:4,9; Romans 8:11-13; Jn. 15:4,7, 10)
James 2:10 According to what will we be judged? _______________________________________________________________________
Does Paul teach that the Christian no longer needs to keep the Ten Commandments? No!
Paul teaches against keeping the law as a means of salvation. Certain Jewish leaders continued to push outward forms and regulations such as circumcision. Others were setting forth works as a means of salvation. As noted above in Romans 3:31 Paul makes it clear that Righteousness by Faith does not do away with the law.
Read 1 Cor. 7 :19 in several versions of the Bible. What is Paul saying here?
___ We need more emphasis on the Ten Commandments in society.
___ I have questions about the Ten Commandments.
___ I believe the Ten Commandments are principles of love placed in the heart through the New Birth.
___ God would have us obey all of the Ten Commandments
The fifth and seventh commandments are designed to guard the happiness of our homes. The next scripture portion gives further principles for a safe and happy home.
No. 9 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 10
How to have a Safe and Happy Home
Icebreaker: If you were given ten million dollars what would you do with it?
Read Ephesians 5 and 6: 1- 4
vs. 5:3-6 Which of the following may be modern practices that will bring the wrath of God upon children of disobedience?
___ sex perversion
___ TV talk shows
___ promiscuity
___ adultery
___ dirty jokes
___ sex without marriage
___ pornography
vs. 12 Do you think it helps to talk about the wicked things on TV or in society?
___ Yes ___ No ___ Don’t know
vs. 18 – 20 List the things that will make us happy in the place of wine or strong drink.
Who would give a testimony concerning the truthfulness of these verses?
vs. 21 Both marriage partners should do what in reference to the other? _____________________________________________
vs. 22 What is the admonition given to wives? _______________________________________________________________________
vs. 25 What admonition is given to husbands? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How far should one go in submission? Does this mean a person should remain in an abusive situation? Matt. 10:23 ; Acts 5:29
In what way is the home a proving ground for the Christian experience? What is the best way to relate to a non-believing spouse? 1 Peter 3:1; 1 Cor. 7:14; 1 Cor. 7:10-14
Note: Both marriage partners are to submit to the other. The wife is to submit to the husband, but the husband is to love in a sacrificial way. This is protection for both. If the husband is unselfish then the wife can safely allow him to lead. It is almost like letting one child cut the cake and the other one have first choice. The rights of both are protected in a Christian marriage.
Read Ephesians 6:1-4
vs. 1&2 Which of the Ten Commandments is mentioned here? ______________________________________________________________________
(see Exodus 20)
vs. 4 What do you think it means when the Bible says “provoke not your children to wrath”?
___ don’t tease children
___ don’t discipline
___ don’t do anything to make children angry
___ don’t be unfair
___ don’t take out hostility and anger on children
Read Exodus 20:14 “Thou shalt not commit adultery”
___ needs to be emphasized in society.
___ does not apply in modern society.
___ has a different meaning today.
How would you describe the way a godly parent would discipline children?
Personal Response:
___ I desire to let Jesus to be the head of my family.
___ I desire to be a godly father or mother.
___ I would like more information on Christian parenting.
Those who are experiencing difficulty in letting Jesus take control of their life and marriage, or who may have an addiction to immoral sex, please see lessons 1-5 & 16.
No. 10 p. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 11
Life Giving Power in God’s Love
Icebreaker: Say a few words about someone who has demonstrated the Love of God to you in a powerful way.
Read Psalm 103
vs. 1-2 What are we not to forget? ______________________________________
Note: Author Glenn Coon reported that he overcame depression by listing his blessings and increasing the list each day.
Share with the group some benefit which you have received from God for which you are thankful.
vs. 3,4 What spiritual and physical blessing go together? _______________________________________________________________________
vs. 8 In your opinion, which of the following help children form a positive picture of God?
___ school ___ home ___ church
___ VBS ___ TV ___ friends
vs. 13 List three godlike things fathers might do to demonstrate love to their children. _______________________________________________________________________
Read Isaiah 49:14-16; Matthew 6:26-30: Job 12:7-8
List several ways God communicates His love to us: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Share how one or more of these ways of communicating love has spoken to you.
Read John 15:13 What is the greatest demonstration of love? _______________________________________________________________________
Read John 3:16 and put your name in the place of “the world”.
Share with the group. Which of the following best describes your experience?
___ I believe in His love.
___ I know God loves me.
___ I have difficulty understanding how he could love me.
___ I would like to believe that He loves me.
___ I would like to experience more of His loving presence.
___ I would like more information on the love of God.
The question naturally arises: If God is a God of love, then why is there so much suffering? The next portion of scripture will deal with this issue.
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 12
Where did Sin and Suffering Originate?
Icebreaker: Share a life changing insight which you have received from a teacher or minister.
Read Revelation 12
vs. 7 What strange thing took place in heaven? _______________________________
vs. 9 Who is the dragon? __________________________________________________
Where was Satan originally? _______________________________________________
Who else was cast out of heaven with Satan? __________________________________
(Note: Read Jude vs. 6)
Rev. 12: 9 Where was Satan cast? _______________________________________________
Read Luke 10:18 What did Jesus say about Satan? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Read John 8:44 Where did lying and murder come from? ________________________
Read 1 John 3:8 Who sinned in the beginning? _________________________________
1 John 3:8 The person who practices sin is under what power? ____________________
Acts 13:10 Those who follow the devil do what with the righteous ways of God?
1 Peter 5:8 What does the devil try to do? ____________________________________
Romans 5:8 says that sin entered and death passed upon all through Adam’s sin (one man) . Read Matthew 13:39
Once Satan tempted mankind into sin what did he do before God day and night? Revelation 12:10 _______________________________________________________
How did the cross deal with the accusations of Satan? (see Rom. 3:23-26; 1 Pet. 3:18; 1 Pet. 2:24; Heb. 12:3; Is. 53:6
Note: The cross answered the accusations of Satan by placing blame for man’s sin upon the innocent Son of God. See Rev. 12:10
If we feel a sense of our sinfulness how do we know if this accusation comes from the Devil or from the Holy Spirit? (see Rom. 8:1; 1 Jn. 3:20; Rev. 12:10; Jn. 16:8; Rom. 8:31-34; Jn. 16:9-11)
Note: The devil tries to make us think there is no hope. The Holy Spirit helps us to see that our only hope is in Jesus.
2 Corinthians 11:14,15 How does Satan sometimes appear? _____________________
Read James 4:7 What two things can we do to make sure that the devil has no power over us? _____________________________________________________________
If we could be saved simply by forcing the will to surrender then we would not need a savior. What is our part then in submission to God and resistance of the devil? (Rom. 6:16; 1 Jn. 5:4; Rom. 1:2; Jo. 16:24; Titus 3:1-5)
Why does God not kill the devil? Acts 14:16,17 shows how patient God is to allow people to choose good or evil on the basis of its own evidence.
Jeremiah 2:19 What does God use to correct sinners? _______________________________________________________________________
Can you think of a time when God let you learn from a mistake?
Note: God allows sin to run its course so that the universe might see the results.
___ I desire to submit to God.
___ I want nothing to do with the devil.
___ The idea of a real devil is new to me.
___ I need more information on this topic.
Life is often hectic. How can we slow down and “smell the roses”. God has made provision. The next portion of scripture offers rest for body, mind, and soul.
No. 12 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 13
God’s Solution for Fatigue
Icebreaker: What lifetime dream are you still trying to make come true?
Read Hebrews 3:17 and chapter 4
ch. 3: vs. 19 What prevented the Children of Israel from entering into God’s rest? ______________________________________________________________________
4:1 What only should we fear?
What do you think it is like to enter into spiritual rest? (see Zeph. 3:17;Matt. 11:28-30)
How does the weekly Sabbath illustrate the rest that comes from righteousness by faith? (Heb. 4:10)
4:2 What was the problem with those who did not enter into rest?
4:4 Which day of the week is a day of rest? _______________________________________________________________________
(see Exodus 20)
Note: Jesus (KJV for Joshua)
4:9 What remains for the people of God?
Matthew 11:28,29 What kind of rest does Jesus promise to those who become united to Him? _________________________________________________________________
Ezekiel 20:12 What sign did God give to His people that He sanctified them?
Note: Sanctify means to belong to or be united to.
Isaiah 58:13,14 What promises are given to those who honor the Sabbath? _______________________________________________________________________
Exodus 31:15 What was the penalty for disregarding God’s Holy day? ______________
Exodus 20:8-11 Which day of the week is the Sabbath day? _________________ What two things did God do to make the Sabbath different from all other days of the week?
Note: The 7th day of the week is Saturday not Sunday.
1 Corinthians 7:19 In contrast to the practice of circumcision what did Paul say is essential? ______________________________________________________________
Note: the NIV “keeping God’s commandments is what counts” (See Romans 13:9).
Acts 17:2 Which day of the week did Paul himself keep? ________________________
Which day did Paul keep when he met with the Gentiles? Acts 13:42 ______________________________________________________________________
What did Paul do on the Sabbath day when he was in a city that had no synagogue? Acts 16:13 _________________________________________________________________
Which day did Jesus keep holy? Luke 4:16 ____________________________________
Why did his followers rest on the Sabbath? Luke 23:55,56 _______________________________________________________________________
Who can give a testimony of what it is like to experience both spiritual and physical rest on God’s Holy day?
For those who keep the seventh day Sabbath, what difference does it make to you which day you keep? Why is it important to you to keep the 7th day Sabbath?
___ The idea of the Sabbath on the 7th day is new.
___ I desire to enter into God’s rest on His day.
___ I would like more information about how to rest more fully in Jesus.
___ I would like more information on which day is the Sabbath.
God not only desires that you slow down and rest in His love, but He wants you to enjoy optimum well-being. The Bible offers principles of health in the next lesson.
(No. 13 pg. 2)
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 14
Good News about Your Body
Icebreaker: Complete the statement: If I could live my life over again. . .
Read 3 John 1:2
What is God’s desire for you? ______________________________________________
What do you think it means to prosper and be in good health?
Read Deuteronomy 7:7-15 Note the blessings promised to God’s people.
Note: The promises of OT Israel were passed on to spiritual Israel (Romans 9:4-8; 1 Cor. 10:11).
Deuteronomy 7:15 What does God promise to take away from His people?
vs. 11,12 What are the conditions upon which this promise is given?
Read Leviticus 11:1-23
Note: God gave laws of health as well as moral laws.
Share a testimony of a practical benefit you have received from following God’s laws of health.
Do you think God will answer our prayers for healing when we are violating the laws of health? (see 1 Cor. 12:9; Acts 5:32; 1 Cor. 32:17)
Some say that today it does not make any difference what one eats, but note Isaiah 66:15-17. What will happen to those eating abominable things when Jesus comes? _______________________________________________________________________
What about alcohol? Daniel 1:8 Daniel says that he would not defile himself with what? _______________________________________________________________________
Alcohol is a drug. If this defiles the body and spiritual life, what other poisonous drugs would be in the category of things that defile? (see Job 20:16; Rom. 3:13)
Note: Revelation 9:21 mentions sorceries as one of the sins in the last days. The Greek word for sorceries is pharmakia. This word is related to our word pharmacy which comes from the Greek word for drugs. Modern sorcerers often use drugs. Nicotine as found in cigarettes and other forms of tobacco is also a narcotic or drug.
Daniel 1:12 What did he eat? _______________________________________________
Note: Pulse (KJV) is vegetables
Daniel 1:20 What was the result?
What spiritual blessing have you received from following the laws of health?
Have you tried fasting? What blessings have you received from fasting? What do you think of Daniel’s type of fasting? (see Dan. 10:3)
1 Corinthians 6:19 Our bodies are temples for what? ___________________________
1 Corinthians 6:20 Why should we glorify God in our bodies? ______________________________________________________________________
What do you think of following the original diet given to mankind in the Garden of Eden? (see Gen. 1:29)
___ I want to glorify God in my body.
___ I would like more information on healthful living.
___ I would like information on vegetarian cooking.
Note: Addictions to harmful substances can be broken by the power of God through prayer and fasting. Talk to your group leader about a simple 5 day plan to stop smoking.
Review lessons 1-5. Also lesson 16 deals with victory over harmful habits. The book Conquering the Dragon Within is also helpful.
What about world conditions? Does the Bible speak about things that are happening today? Our next lesson will focus on the end of evil predicted in the Bible.
No. 14 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 15
Good News about the End of Evil
Icebreaker: If someone were to write a book about you what would the title be?
Read Revelation 8 & 9
Note: These chapters are filled with symbols. Scholars believe these symbols have historical meaning. It is also possible that several of the trumpets apply to present day conditions. The following meaning of symbols is derived from the Bible.
Trumpets:- Used to announce coming judgments
Hail & Fire Mingled with Blood:- Natural catastrophes and war
Sea:- Populations of people
Wormwood – Poison or pollution
Scorpions: – Deadly painful plague
Locusts:- Men of war or plagues
Abaddon – Destruction
Apollyon: – Destroyer
Fire, Smoke, Brimstone – War
Mountain burning with fire:- Unknown? Any ideas?
Sorceries:- Drug enhanced religion
Read Revelation 9:4
Who will not be hurt by the plagues?
Revelation 7:3 Four angels hold back the winds (symbolic winds of strife) until what takes place? ____________________________________________________________
Note: A seal is a mark of ownership placed upon the believer by the Holy Spirit.
What do you think a typical day would be like for the person who is sealed and belongs totally to God? (see Rev. 14:4; Eph. 4:30;Rev. 3:10; Rev. 12:11)
Revelation 11:18 What will God do to those who are destroying the earth?
Revelation 20:10 What will happen to the devil and his angels?
2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 With what will the wicked be punished when Jesus comes? ______________________________________________________________________
(see also 2 Thess. 2:8 -11)
Revelation 9:20,21 List the sins which people not killed by the plagues still do not repent of:
Do you think these sins characterize the days in which we are living?
___ I want to be sealed with the seal of God.
___ I want God to bring an end to evil.
___ I would like to understand more about Bible prophecy
We long for a perfect world, but we realize that we and our loved ones are not perfect. The next chapter from Romans offers the solution for victory over sin and harmful habits.
No. 15 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 16
Victory over Harmful Habits
Icebreaker: What time of the day is Jesus most real to you?
Read Romans 8
vs.. 5 Refer back to John 3:6-15. Note that we receive the Spirit by faith. We become a spiritual person by believing in Jesus as our sin bearer.
Rom. 8:7 What is the carnal (natural person not born again) mind not subject to? __________________________________________________________________
The person who is born again is subject to the Law of God (1 Jn. 2:4;3:4,6,9)
How does this work in a practical sense? (Rom. 8:15,16; Gal. 5:16,17; Gal. 6:8; Rom. 6:16,19)
Who would give a testimony of how this works in a day to day experience?
Who would give a testimony of how God delivers one from sinful thoughts practice or addiction?
vs. 11 What does the Spirit do to our mortal (subject to death) bodies?
Note: Quicken (KJV) means to make alive.
vs. 13 By what means does one put to death (mortify in KJV) the deeds of the body (unconverted life)?
vs. 16 What does the Spirit testify?
Note: It is the Holy Spirit that testifies through the Word of God that we have received adoption and are now children of God. We need to dwell on this fact, not on our sinfulness.
Note how positive the last part of this chapter is.
Read verses 31-39
Talk about the things that cannot separate us From God’s love. How has the assurance of being surrounded by God’s love kept you through difficult times?
The Bible says that faith is the victory that overcomes the world (1 Jn. 5:4). If you are fighting an addiction to food, drugs, sex, or alcohol, begin by affirming the assurance of acceptance in the blood of Christ. Ask God for deliverance. Believe He has heard your prayer. Don’t expect to feel different, but believe that God will answer your prayer. Take advantage of programs and information dealing with your addiction.
I desire more information on deliverance from:
___ addiction to tobacco
___ addiction to food
___ addiction to alcohol
___ addiction to sex
___ addiction to drugs
___ I believe I have been born again and am experiencing victory.
___ I would like more information on how to be born again.
How do we deal with depression and sadness? Is there meaning in life? The next portion focuses on the Good News about Life.
No. 16 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 17
Good News About Life
How to Deal with Depression
Icebreaker: If you were told you only have one week to live, how would you spend it?
Read John 10:10
Why did Jesus say He came to earth? ____________________________________________________________________
Read Lamentations 3: 1-18
Have you ever felt like this chapter might describe your experience?
___ Often ___ Sometimes ___ Seldom
vs. 21 – 23
After describing his situation, what did the prophet say brought hope? ____________________________________________________________________
What experience have you had with counting blessings?
vs. 24 Who is the portion of those in need?
Explain how and why this passage brings comfort.
vs. 25, 26 What should a person do to get out of depression? (Is. 48:18)
Matthew 5:4
Why did Jesus say those who mourn are blessed? ____________________________________________________________________
Read Isaiah 40:18-31
vs. 29 What does God give to the faint? How does He do this? ____________________________________________________________________
vs. 31 What will be renewed in those who wait upon the Lord? ____________________________________________________________________
Read Isaiah 41:10-14; Romans 8:28-39
We are mental, physical, and spiritual beings. Sometimes we need counseling to deal with emotions. We may require physicians and health specialists to deal with the body. Spiritual healing comes from God’s word and fellowship with His people. Some have experienced great loss from the death of a loved one. Many have questions about what happens to a person when they die. Lesson 18 will share good news about death.
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 18
Good News about Death
Icebreaker: What would you hope could be said about you at your funeral?
Read Revelation 21
vs. 4 What will eventually be wiped away? __________________________________
vs. 4 Who will wipe away these tears? ______________________________________
vs. 4 What will not exist in the New Earth? __________________________________
Is it easy or difficult to visualize what life will be like in the New Earth? Why?
vs. 8 What kind of people will not inherit the New Earth? _______________________________________________________________________
What are some things in this Earth that Christians can enjoy? How might these good things become even better after the removal of sin? e. g. a picnic, travel, study, social relationships, worship.
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
vs. 13 What word is used to describe the condition of the dead? ___________________
vs. 14 Where do people sleep who die in the Lord? _____________________________
Note: Sleep does not destroy our love for the one who sleeps. Death is not a fearful departure into some unknown, but the proper ending to a weary day.
Read Ecclesiastes 9:5
Do our dead loved ones worry about our living in a world of pain? How much do they know? ________________________________________________________________
Psalm 146:4
What happens to a person’s thoughts when they die? __________________________
Acts 2:29,34
Where did King David not go when he died? _________________________________
Do you think a funeral should be more a mourning for the lost or a celebration of life? (1 Thess. 4:13, Rev. 14:13)
John 20:17
After the death and resurrection of Jesus, where did He say he had not ascended? ____________________________________________________________________
John 5:28
Where do the dead rest? ________________________________________________
1 Thessalonians 4:16 When Jesus comes what will happen to those who die in Christ? ___________________________________________________________________
Read 1 Corinthians 15:16-26
vs. 23 When shall those who die in Christ be made alive? ____________________________________________________________________
vs. 26 What is the last enemy that shall be destroyed? _________________________
John 3:16 The person who accepts Jesus will not perish but have what? ____________________________________________________________________
Share testimonies of how these Bible verses have brought comfort in reference to some loved one.
Jesus said that real life is more than what we eat or drink, more than the abundance of things which we possess. Yet the Bible does promise financial blessings for the believer as well. The next portion of scripture will bring good news about financial security.
No. 18 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 19
Good News About Financial Security
Read 3 John 1:2
Along with His desire for us to have good health, what else does God wish for His people? _______________________________________________________________
Do you think this includes financial prosperity as well? (Prov. 13:4, Prov. 10:4; Jer. 9:23)
Matthew 6:32
Why should we not worry about food, clothes, and shelter? ______________________________________________________________________
How would you answer the sincere person who says that they have tried this and it does not work. They still have to do something to take care of themselves or it does not get done? (1 Tim. 5:8, Matt. 6:33; Rom. 12:11)
Note: We should work to provide these but not worry.
Matthew 6:11
For what physical need did Jesus teach us to pray? ______________________________________________________________________
Matthew 6:33
In the place of making material goods the great object of our lives, for what should we first seek? _____________________________________________________________
Matthew 6:33
What then will be added unto us? ______________________________________________________________________
Matthew 10:39
How does a person find life? ______________________________________________________________________
Luke 18:29,30; Matthew 19:29
What does the Christian receive who surrenders everything to Jesus? _______________________________________________________________________
Psalm 37:18-19
What will be the situation of the Christian in the time of famine? _______________________________________________________________________
Deuteronomy 7:12-14
vs. 14 To what extent will God’s people be blessed? ______________________________________________________________________
Malachi 3:8,9
What brings financial curse? _____________________________________________
Malachi 3:9-12
What does God give as a condition for financial security? _____________________________________________________________________
Note: Tithe is 10% of income.
Share testimonies of God’s faithfulness concerning His promise to give us blessings beyond our room to contain them if we put Him first in tithes and offerings.
God invites us into a saving relationship with Him. He wants to perform financial miracles. He requires the demonstration of our trust by returning to Him a portion of income with which He blesses us.
___ I desire to take God as my financial partner.
___ I would like more information on this topic.
God has made provision for every need. However, many people are lonely in this age of technology and hyperactivity. The Bible offers a solution to this problem in the next study guide.
No. 19 pg. 2
Home Fellowship Bible Study
No. 20
Good News about Loneliness
Icebreaker: Share something you do if and when you feel lonely.
Read 1 John 1:1-8
vs. 3 With whom does the Christian have fellowship? _______________________________________________________________________
vs. 4 Why were the scriptures written? _______________________________________
vs. 7 What must we do in order to maintain joy in this fellowship? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Acts 2:42
In what four things did the early Christians continue? (see also Acts 2:46,47) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Share something about fellowship. How would you describe it? Why is it important?
Hebrews 12:23
What name is given to the general assembly of born again believers? _______________________________________________________________________
Do you think it is important for Christians to go to church? (Hebrews 10:25)
Revelation 12:17
How does the Bible describe God’s last day Remnant Church? _______________________________________________________________________
Ephesians 5:19,20
What provision is made to maintain our connection to Jesus? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
___ These lessons have been a blessing.
___ I desire more detailed information concerning ____________________.
___ I would like to know how to belong to Jesus.
___ I would like to know more about baptism.
___ I would like to know more about last day events.
___ I would like to take the next advanced lessons.
Which topic shall we study next?
Advanced Study Guides in this Series
Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation
Why are there so many Christian Churches? Are they all right?
How to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Last Day Events
The Book of Revelation
The Book of Acts
The Book of Genesis
Basic Christianity (Walking with God Series)
Other _______________________________